Saturday, September 21, 2013

Working Moms & Dads


Wake up to a phone call, and on the other line you find a recruiter for a high end executive position similar to a previous position. You agree to an interview and spend a whole day making arrangements for your toddler and reviewing the company’s history and services. You have to get the right wardrobe to reflect the position otherwise anything less won't do.
You finally arrive at the front door of your future workplace and, breath deeply reminding yourself that they wouldn't have called you all this way if you weren't qualified.
You finally sit down in front of the interviewer and spend 30 minutes answering questions like..
“Are you of legal age to work?”, “Are you physically able to perform the duties asked of the position?” really…..?
Then, they say that they might consider you for future positions but they won't hire you now because you do not have a degree.  
You reply…
”Yes, I know. It reflects as much on my resume. I assumed I was called because of my 15 years experience and certifications on this position, not to mention it stated degree is a plus not necessary in the job description.”
At what point did it become acceptable to call people and waste their time if you had no intention in hiring them?
At what point was it more important to hire someone with No Experience or some, but with a degree?
I remember when people were really interested providing the workforce with work they would hire you and state that depending on your experience it can replace a degree. You would think 15 years would be good enough.. right?
Providing work to people in our economy has now been made harder not more accessible. I can appreciate education just as much as the next person, but I believe it would be much more beneficial to both the company and the individual if the company would for example, hire a qualified person with the condition of pursuing the degree while employed and specifically people that have performed those positions for many years before when work was much more accessible.

What do you think, I would like to see what you all think? Have this happened to you?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Easy & Cheap Chalk board table

I was looking for several different easy and cheap ways to entertain my 2 year old toddler. After going to Costco and finding an interesting cardboard container that I thought looked like an upside down little table , I took this home and repurposed it.
I decided to paint it with chalk paint to make it usable as a Drawing Board.
I decided to go the cheaper route in making the chalkboard paint out of  adding latex paint to a cup of non-sanded grout and brush it three to four layers.
The surface of the cardboard is to dry after each layer of paint and then wait to dry and then brush again.
You'll see in the picture attached the finished product and I believe that it is a very simple and cheap way to entertain my very active and creative 2 year old toddler.
Show me your ideas I love to see if my friends have anything better to come up with or to contribute or even better to put to the test.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Working Moms & Dads

  Wake up to a phone call, and on the other line you find a recruiter for a high end executive position similar to a previous position....